
14 Jun

Our Research Approach

Our Research Approach

For a decade, our team has been writing actionable research for traders and investors who seek to understand the drivers relevant to the valuation of digital assets.

Through the years we have built up a deep understanding of the ecosystem and the different forces moving the market - and it is not as simple as most headlines would have you believe.

Cryptocurrencies cannot simply be valued using traditional models as they are constantly evolving and represent a completely new type of financial instrument. There are complex dynamics at play between developers, users, inventors and regulators with competing interests and power. Understanding each of these groups, while keeping track of relevant data is key to understanding and anticipating the trajectory of different coins and tokens.

We are of course not always right, and we will never be able to precisely predict the future, but unlike the spectacular and shallow takes by the media and many so called thought leaders in the space, we will always be nuanced and base our analysis on thorough investigation, clear logic and data used correctly.

That does not mean that we do not have strong opinions. Through the years, we have seen a lot of bad projects and practices out there and we will call bullshit when we see it. There is a big problem in the crypto industry that the insiders typically are reluctant to write about anything negative or be critical, while the outsiders have a tendency to only focus on the negative. To make it even worse, both the insiders and the outsiders tend to focus on spectacular headlines and buzz words to generate clicks and social media engagement, rather than doing the hard job of providing real insight.

We want to change this. For us, real insight is everything. The headline is irrelevant if the analysis is flawed or even misleading, and we are not worried about stepping on some toes.

We strongly believe that cryptocurrencies and digital assets more generally are here to stay and represent exciting investment opportunities. By doing what we love, analyzing and writing about this exciting, emerging market, our goal is to make investing and trading more accessible to traditional investors.

If you are curious to check out our work and see if it is of relevance to you, we invite you to sign up for a free trial. This will give you access to all our work, and let you receive our weekly reports, newsletters and research notes. If you find our research valuable, great! If you do not, you can always cancel without paying anything. We hope that you will find value in our work.